Pursuing a Unifying Message

In early 2014, RMF and Iowa State University led the development of a partnership that included Mississippi State University, Texas Tech University, Colorado State University, and the Soil and Water Conservation Society. The objective of this partnership is to develop a unifying message in support of food, agricultural, and natural resources research. The first step in that process was to develop the report on Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority, that was released at the National Press Club on December 5, 2014. The report and its release was envisioned to be the first of several activities involving different interest groups that will be involved in pursuing the uniform message.

RMF Position Statement

The RMF’s position statement outlines the critical importance of increasing public investment in food, agricultural and natural resources research, and key points the RMF supports in moving forward with a unifying message. Read the RMF Position Statement.


A major activity of RMF is a collaborative effort to pursue a unifying message among many stakeholders towards a goal of elevating food, agricultural and natural resources research as a national priority. The unifying message efforts have been led by RMF and Iowa State University, along with partners that include Mississippi State University, the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Texas Tech University, Colorado State University and the American Society of Plant Biologists. Read an overview of activities and partnerships in the unifying message initiative.

Eight Reports in the Unifying Message Initiative

From 2014 to 2018, RMF published 8 reports linked to the unifying message effort — an original report, six summarizing roundtable discussions conducted in collaboration with over 120 organizations and a final report, released in June 2018.

NEW June 4, 2018 — A Unifying Message: Pulling Together

The final in a series of eight RMF reports summarizes five years of dialogue and engagement with over 120 organizations on the need to speak together to increase investment in federal food, agricultural and natural resources research. “A Unifying Message: Pulling Together. Increasing Support for Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research” also looks ahead at next steps for RMF in serving as a catalyst and partner in continuing efforts.

A Commodities Research Perspective

Leaders from 25 national agricultural commodity organizations gathered tor a facilitated discussion on the value of pursuing a unifying message to increase federal investment in agricultural research. An RMF report summarizing the meeting is now available: Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. A Commodities Research Perspective. The meeting was convened at the American Association for the Advancement of Science headquarters in November 2016 by the Riley Memorial Foundation, Iowa State University, the National Corn Growers Association and Purdue University.

A Natural Resources Research Perspective

Leaders from more than 20 organizations shared their perspectives on how natural resources research fits with the concept of a unifying message on increased federal investment in research. An RMF report summarizing the discussion, Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. A Natural Resources Research Perspective, is now available. The meeting was convened in December 2016 by the Riley Memorial Foundation, Iowa State University, Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and the Soil and Water Conservation Society.

Raising the Profile of Federal Research

In April 2016, a federal agency workshop brought together 20 leaders from diverse agencies conducting research related to food, agriculture and natural resources. The meeting was convened by the Riley Memorial Foundation, Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation, Iowa State University and American Society of Plant Biologists. A report on the meeting was completed in December 2016 — Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. Raising the Profile of Federal Research.

A Food, Nutrition and Health Perspective

In October 2016, the unifying message report — Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. A Food, Nutrition and Health Perspective — was completed. The report summarizes a roundtable discussion held in May 2016 with 22 leaders representing public and private research interests in food, nutrition and health.

A Scientific Society Perspective

In March 2016, the unifying message partnership’s newest report was completed — Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. A Scientific Society Perspective. The report, which is the third in a series focused on the unifying message, summarizes a roundtable discussion held in December 2015 with invited leaders from 23 American scientific societies.

A University Perspective

In June 2015, RMF released its second unifying message report, Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority. A University Perspective. The report summarizes a roundtable discussion with 23 invited leaders of universities, university associations. An announcement of the report is available.

Original Report: Pursuing a Unifying Message

RMF’s original report, Pursuing a Unifying Message: Elevating Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research as a National Priority, was released at the National Press Club on December 5, 2014. The report documents that the U.S. is in danger of losing its prominence in the scientific research upon which our food, agriculture, and natural resources systems depend and presents a case for many organizations working together toward a common goal at a time when global challenges require additional investment in agricultural research. View RMF President Wendy Wintersteen’s presentation given at the National Press Club and the release announcing the report. View an infographic summary of the report.